, Villa Maria at every price point

Villa Maria has at least one wine in seven out of the 11 Top Value Wines categories. Villa Maria Wines

Top Value Wines Feature Week

Some years ago I said to George Fistonich, the then owner of Villa Maria: “Villa Maria has a formidable record of medals and trophies at wine shows. How do you react to the criticism that you are a ‘pot hunter’ who makes wines to win medals?”. Sir George replied:

“We work very hard to make the very best wines we can at every price level. Good wines just happen to win medals.”

Size matters in the ‘top value’ equation. Large wine producers can achieve economies of scale that their smaller competitors can only dream about.

I can’t argue with that.

Villa Maria is now owned by Indevin, New Zealand’s largest wine producer. They continue to win medals in all price categories. Quality is obviously still important to them but so is price. The Real Review has 11 categories in its Top Value lists. Villa Maria has at least one wine in seven out of those 11 categories. The only categories where they failed to be represented were riesling, other whites and other reds, each of which had just a single entry.

Size matters in the ‘top value’ equation. Large wine producers can achieve economies of scale that their smaller competitors can only dream about. That puts Villa Maria/Indevin wines in a strong position.

Pinot noir is

This Article was originally published on The Real Review

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