Visiting Vega Vineyard and Farm in Buellton, CA is more than wine tasting; it’s an adventure. Not only will you taste wines made by Steve Clifton (of brands like Palmina, Brewer-Clifton, La Voix, and more), but you’ll eat a delicious lunch, shop for farm-fresh produce to take home, stroll through the gorgeous property AND pet some adorable animals!
Vega Vineyard and Farm is located just outside of Buellton, on one of Santa Ynez Valley’s historic ranches, Rancho de Vega, originally established in 1853. An adobe home was built and grapes were planted. Over time, it was taken over by the Mosby family, who planted 18 acres of wine grapes and changed the name. In 2022, Demetrios and Karen Loizides bought the property, renaming it back to the historic name (which means field in Spanish), and are continuing its farming and hospitality tradition.
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This Article was originally published on Cali Coast Wine Country