, Twisted Pines Winery:  Traditions, Innovations, a Deep Connection to the Land, and All About Family

My wife and I set out to visit our next Texas winery, this time in the beautiful Piney Woods of East Texas. Twisted Pines Winery is located near Marshall, Texas just 3.5 miles South of Interstate 20. On this trip, we chose to travel the back roads of the East Texas Piney Woods rather than take the interstate. The charming small Texas towns, rolling hills, and beautiful deep, dark and evergreen pine forests made for a very enjoyable trip. The founder of Twisted Pines, Victor Davis, grew up in this area and has an innate appreciation for the land and its bounty. Just down the road on the property where Victor and his family were raised, stands a magnificent, twisted pine tree at the end of his driveway. Being in a rural area without street signs, this twisted pine tree let him and others know that they were home. Its branches mirror the unique and intricate path that led him to his Lifetime Dream…creating a family business that brings them all together.

Twisted Pines Winery:  Traditions, Innovations, a Deep Connection to the Land, and All About Family

Victor operates a very successful Oil and Gas Pipeline midstream business. His goal is to build a family-run business that is driven by “family values” and not just “financially driven.” It is very important for him that this business allows for the involvement of quality time with family to work together, learn

This Article was originally published on Texas Wine Lover

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