, The VinePair Podcast: How Many SKUs Are Too Many for Wineries?

When visiting a specific winery, the question of “What are they good at?” tends to arise. And if that winery starts overloading its portfolio with countless SKUs representing a plethora of grape varietals, that question becomes harder and harder to answer.

On paper, diversifying a brand’s portfolio sounds like a great idea, but in reality, it presents a double-edged marketing sword. Customers gain more options to choose from, but those same customers also want ease of selection. Plus, a straightforward brand identity is often sacrificed in the process. If a winery has several vastly different offerings on the market, it risks becoming a jack of all trades, and a master of none.

On this episode of the “VinePair Podcast,” Adam, Joanna, and Zach debate whether American wineries are in general making too many wines and styles in a given vintage, and if a tighter focus with fewer offerings would help them in the marketplace, particularly in distribution or even with media coverage. Tune in for more.

Zach is drinking: Jubilee Dolcetto from Remy Wines
Joanna is drinking: Earthly Pleasures Saison from Another Moon Brewing
Adam is drinking: Swampwater at VinePair HQ

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The article The VinePair Podcast: How Many SKUs Are Too Many for Wineries? appeared first on VinePair.

This Article was originally published on VinePair

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