, Ramón Bilbao joins exclusive club as it celebrates centenary

Michael Huband headed to Rioja for Ramón Bilbao’s anniversary bash. Among the partying, what do the last 100 years say about its future path? How do you celebrate a 100th birthday? It is a question that not many have to contemplate. Reaching a centenary is a rare combination of sensible decisions, joie-de-vivre and good fortune. Yet there are certain obvious items you might tick off in planning such a birthday bash. You should gather friends, family and colleagues. You should ensure there is plenty of food, music and dancing. Perhaps, in a quieter moment, you should reflect on the significance of such a rare occasion. Companies may not have to worry about cholesterol intake or staying active, but there is no guarantee they will reach such a milestone. Weathering a century in business is a tall order. That is particularly true in Spain, which has seen a turbulent period of its history over the last 100 years. Yet Ramón Bilbao, the Rioja winery that reached the milestone this year, has thrived for more than 100 years. And it gave a fine lesson in how to celebrate. Friends, family and colleagues? Check. Attending the celebrations with the Zamora family (the winery’s owners) were colleagues who have worked at Ramón Bilbao for decades, and dear friends from around the world. In a truly global celebration, many of those friends came from other prestigious centenary wineries, with some of the most impressive names in the wine world travelling to Haro to offer

This Article was originally published on The Drink Business - Wine

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