, Paul Mason on his move to Nga Waka

Paul Mason joins Nga Waka on November 1st. Foley Wine Club

It was announced earlier this year that Paul Mason would be leaving Martinborough Vineyard to join Nga Waka.

This news was covered by a number of wine publications at the time, and I had the fortune to catch Paul in Martinborough in early August and subsequently ask him about the move, to which he very kindly shared some insight into his thoughts and motivations.

“I didn’t want to look back in another 20 years and regret not having challenged myself with new opportunities.” – Paul Mason

To set the scene, Roger Parkinson is set to retire at the end of the year after 32 years of being Nga Waka’s winemaker—since its first vintage. Paul Mason had taken on the mantle of winemaker at Martinborough Vineyard 20 years ago, carrying on the legacy of previous winemakers Claire Mulholland (now managing and making the wine at Burn Cottage) and Larry McKenna (founder of Escarpment, now retired). So in essence, these are two quite significant changes within the small Martinborough region.

Paul will join on the 1st November, overlapping Roger for a month, but he is quick to add that:

“(Roger) will still be around town—as is Mike Kershaw, the previous long standing vineyard manager—and both have been very supportive and keen to aid me in the new role.”

So it suggests that there will be more than a month for the deep understanding of 32 years to pass to Paul.


This Article was originally published on The Real Review

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