, Not Normal, People

It appears lockdown has changed me. First, there was the baking. So. Much. Banana. Bread. Then there was the Pilates. It used to be a once a week habit but I’ve been doing it almost every morning before home-schooling starts. Which is probably a good thing because a) all that banana bread and b) my wine and crisp intake is *slightly* up on the norm. Then there’s the watching telly-in-bed thing. Never used to do it; currently mainlining The Morning Show, an episode every night. We’re always tempted to do another on the trot but it’s like that second bottle of wine. Good idea at the time but it just puts you to sleep. Anyway, this week’s recommendations were both featured on Saturday Kitchen at the weekend (by me!) and includes a peachy white and a cocktail staple. Bottoms up (tummy in).

The post Not Normal, People appeared first on Helen McGinn.

This Article was originally published on Knackered Mother's Wine Club

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