, Gary Boom: “encouraging” new pockets of wealth coming into fine wine market

Bordeaux Index’s founder and CEO Gary Boom speaks to db about the “encouraging sign” of new pockets of wealth coming into wine amid growing interest from younger collectors and investors, as the market sees “green shoots” of recovery. In a wide-ranging podcast with db’s Patrick Schmitt MW, Boom said that Bordeaux Index was seeing a slightly younger dynamic coming through of people, “which is always encouraging” and the average age of its customer was falling slowly. “Not in leaps and bounds, but more and more people are coming back in and it’s a slightly younger market,” he said. He attributed this to both the greater spread of information, which made it easier for people to research wines, as well as chateaux getting “on message” and putting more money into marketing and advertising to a younger group. And with this younger clientele, people were diversifying, Boom added. For example South Africa, was growing “massively” and Oregon was also seeing growth with its Pinot Noirs, notably as more and more Old World producers invested in it. “The new areas are attracting the newer generation and in some ways the wines are easier to drink, because of global warming, and a slightly different style,” he pointed out. “I think they’re catering for that slightly; they want to make it so you can pretty much drink it after a year or two.” “Is this going to challenge Burgundy? No, but if you like Pinot – and it’s a younger kind of Pinot, it’s

This Article was originally published on The Drink Business - Fine Wine

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