, From Salads to Dessert, How to Pair Wine with Cherries

The star of late spring farmer’s markets, cherries are a quintessentially West Coast fruit: California, Oregon and Washington produce more than 90% of the country’s sweet cherries (props to Michigan, which grows most of the sour cherries). Like other stone fruits—peaches, plums, apricots, even almonds—cherries are in the rose family, which contributes to their romantic appeal. What to drink depends how you choose to use them.

Cherry Sauce

Cherries are delicious in a quick pan sauce (recipe below) for pork or duck. The cherry flavors of Sangiovese are balanced by high acidity and, often, savory notes of tomato, olive and dried herbs. It works with both the cherries and the meat.


Add cherries to any green salad, especially with goat or blue cheese, basil or mint, and a sweet-tart dressing. Doing so lets you pair with a red wine like crisp Barbera, whose cherry notes are complemented by black pepper and anise.

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This Article was originally published on Wine Enthusiast

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