, Fresco de Ensalada (Fruit Salad Drink)

(Photo: Ren Fuller). Ren Fuller

This recipe is brought to you by the SAVEUR Cookbook Club, our passionate community of food-loving readers from around the globe celebrating our favorite authors and recipes. Join us as we cook through a new book every month, and share your food pics and vids on social media with the hashtags #SAVEURCookbookClub and #EatTheWorld.

As Karla Tatiana Vasquez chronicles in The SalviSoul Cookbook, a refresco (or fresco for short) is a refreshing beverage served at celebrations and gatherings across El Salvador. The adapted recipe shared here is in many ways a drinkable fruit salad—a subtly sweet and tangy pineapple-based punch that is as adaptable as it is quaffable. 

Many of the fruits featured in this drink are tropical fruits common throughout Central America, including marañón (cashew fruit), the creamy soft fruit mamey, and small, slightly sour plums known as jocotes. If you can’t find them in the fresh or frozen sections of your local grocery store, they can be swapped out for whatever fruits are in season, such as grapes, apples, and peaches. Vasquez cautions that if using canned fruit, be sure to choose pineapple preserved in its juice rather than in a sugar syrup. If you can find it, the pineapple essence or extract adds a punch of sweetness to this otherwise delicate drink.

Adapted from The SalviSoul Cookbook: Salvadoran Recipes and the Women Who Preserve Them by Karla Tatiana Vasquez. Copyright © 2024. Available from Ten Speed Press.

Featured in “This Salvadoran

This Article was originally published on Saveur

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