‘Evidence tells us that alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs in the world. Four studies that have already been published and one about to be published have carried out an analysis of the comparative harms of different recreational drugs. All show that alcohol is the most harmful drug. Not because it’s the most harmful to the user, but because it’s the most commonly used drug, so the most harmful in terms of harms to other people.
‘But that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy alcohol. I have moderated in recent years, but I very much enjoy drinking wine, at weekends and on special occasions. I even helped my daughter set up a wine bar. I do have memories though of being an undergraduate and witnessing the profound effect that alcohol can have on the brain, making grown men weep and wail. Since then I’ve been fascinated by the effect of alcohol on brain function.
‘Today’s younger generation is far more cautious in its approach to alcohol than my generation. I think there are a number of factors. It’s partly rebellion – not wanting to do things the same way their parents did. Many of them are more mindful of their health, because they’re better educated about it than our generation. The narrative about alcohol has changed in my lifetime. We knew it was harmful, but there wasn’t a great discourse about it. And there was a belief back then that alcohol could bring health benefits. Now most people know