, Asti: Everyday Wine You Love To Drink But Afraid To Admit It

Let me ask you a favor: can you please be honest with me?

No, scrap that. Can you please be honest with yourself?

When/if you read this, can you honestly answer a question for yourself: do you like sweet wines?

Be honest with yourself. This is strictly between you and you. Nobody will ever know what you will say. But if you do, have at least the courage to admit it to yourself – “yes, I like sweet wines”.

We are afraid of sugar. When we consume it, we prefer not to even think of it. We are so ashamed at the thought that someone might think we like sugar. You are supposed to hate sugar. We are supposed to enjoy things that are not associated with sugar. Sugar is bad news. Period. This is why nobody would ever want to publicly admit they like sweet wines, as they are evil.

Even if you are not afraid to admit to your affection, sweet wines are a special category. It seems that even the smallest bottle is usually too big. And by the time the dessert is served, nobody wants to drink more wine. But leaving that aside, there is a critical element for the sweet wine to be called enjoyable. I’m sure you can easily guess it, but I will give you a moment to think about it.

Got it?

That element is important across all wines, but in the sweet wines it is really critical – and this element

This Article was originally published on Talk-a-Vino

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