, 2024 tastings number crunch

During 2024 Stuart Knox has tasted 1,641 wines so far. Pexels

So here we are again, looking deep into the festive season and moments away from the new year. It seemed like a good time to take stock of the year’s tastings (though still a few more to be done) and crunch some numbers.

I always find the exercise fascinating to see how the numbers stack up and play out and think about how my scores reflect my memory of how the bulk of wines I tasted throughout the year fell out.

The first thing that really jumps out at me is how few wines were outside the ribbon score.

During 2024 I have tasting 1,641 wines so far. We can break that down into 84 that didn’t receive a ribbon (scoring below 85 points); 578 received a bronze ribbon (85-89 points); 790 received a silver ribbon (90-94 points) and 189 received a gold ribbon (95+). The average score across all the wines landed at 90.19.

The first thing that really jumps out at me is how few wines were outside the ribbon score. I could conclude that I’ve been more generous this year in my scoring, but my gut feel is that the wines being produced across Australia are continuing to get better and better. The rest of the scores back that up, with the average and bulk of wines I’ve tasted scoring in the silver ribbon zone. The other seriously impressive thing about these numbers is the fact

This Article was originally published on The Real Review

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